Content Taken in JTC 335

Not all of these were submitted for a grade, but all of these I feel are my best work from this semester. Also check out my photo story on its own page.

The first three (top row and 2nd row on the left) were from the macro assignment, which I think I liked the best because we were to shoot nature, which I like shooting more than people. The right one on the second row is from the decisive moment assignment, and is of two geese flying over a pond. The left one on the third row is a landscape shot taken on the same day as the two geese, and I included even though I didnt submit it for any assignment because it was better than most of my other submissions. The one to the right of the landscape shot as well as on the entire fourth row are three shots from the CSU Women’s Soccer practice and I was questioning which one to submit for the sports assignment. On the bottom row to the left, that is one that I didnt submit for the Time assignment, but I like better than my actual submission, however it does not fit the criteria of being 2 seconds of exposure time or longer. The one on the very bottom right of the gallery is one that I considered submitting for the decisive moment assignment, but I ended up not doing so as I thought another one was better.

Now here are some photos from before this class.

These are all photos that I like from before this class.

The first four (whole top row and bottom left) are from London and elsewhere in the UK when I visited in February 2019. The bottom middle one is from Colorado Springs in 2021, when I visited there with my family. I liked it because it seemed pretty cool, with the sky all shades of grey. The bottom right one is from October 2021, when I visited Snowmass Bike Park for a mountain biking race, which I liked because of the contrast between the trees and the sky as well as the leading lines of the gondola ropes.