About Me

Jared Roke is a senior at Colorado State University and is skilled at graphic design, as shown in this course (JTC 417 with Daniela Castillo) as well as others. He is originally from Foxboro, MA and is taking this course over the summer to fulfill a requirement for his statistics minor.

About each project -

1 - Playing Cards were meant to show how the basics of Illustrator worked

2 - This static infographic was given to show how well one knows how to create a static infographic about a topic of our choice, this case being one on covid - 19 and its impact

3 - These icons were taken from the CSU Research Lab’s work on why students left CSU a few years ago when Covid was still big at CSU

4 - These isometrics were done of two buildings on CSU’s campus, that being the Clark building as well as the Eddy Hall

5 - These two animated infographics were done to show the students knowledge of animation with infographics.

6 - This graphic was made using Infographs.com, and is interactive so you can see a number of different graphs about the pandemics impact on Colorado

Animated Line Chart

Animated Bar Chart
